Search results: Short Sales Form information
Articles on Short Sales Form from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Risks Faced By Real Estate Investors In A Buyers Market
From one end of the United States to the other real estate property values are falling. In some areas, like Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Michigan and California, they are in free fall. Foreclosures are at an all time high, flooding the market with homes for sale. Many of these homes are currently ...
Appraisals for the Louisiana Road Home Program
The Louisiana Road Home Program has been ordering appraisals to determine the pre-Katrina value of the affected properties. As the owner of a residential appraisal company, along with my wife Wendy, we have been getting several of these orders. Specifically, they order a Form 2055 which is a Fannie ...
Understanding Debt Cancellation and the 1099C
In recent years, the number of foreclosures has skyrocketed and short sales have become an increasingly popular trend. Many consumers have wondered how lenders recuperate the money lost from a mortgage after a discounted short sale. These unpaid charges are not a major concern for the lender, but ...
Short Sales! How to Profit From Upside Down Mortgages
In some real estate markets, it is common for the value of a property to be less than the outstanding mortgage balance, usually because of a negative change in the local economy or an over-leveraged borrower. In these situations there are many reasons a lender will consider a short sale on a ...
Foreclosure - Understanding the Pros and Cons of the Short Sale
Homeowners facing foreclosure in California have approximately 120 days from the Notice of Default (about 4 months) in order to resolve their outstanding mortgage debt. When a homeowner finds themselves in this situation, the most proactive step a homeowner can do is to act in a timely manner to ...
Short sales - Amazing opportunity or just hype?
It's easy to be attracted by the hyperbolic headlines of the pitches you receive for various short sale and pre-foreclosure course and seminars. Some of them run into the thousands of dollars. Some of them are worth it. "Make $100,000 this year." "I earned $1 Million Dollars in Pre-Foreclosures ...
Use a Mortgage Lender Directory to Get Good Deals Done Faster
Experience Faster Results With Your Short Sales and Foreclosures Wen You Use a Mortgage Lender Directory No one wants to pay too much for a property, especially in a declining market. Uncovering that "good deal" can be easier than you think. Decide first what area, or neighborhood, you find ...
Real Estate Investing Course
There are many types of courses available to learn real estate investment. There are home study courses, online courses and books that you can purchase to study real estate investment. The choices can be very overwhelming so it is very important for you to know how to choose the right course for ...
California Home Equity Sales Contract Act - A Mine Field for the Unprepared!
When I first got started in the real estate investing business in 2006, the avalanche of foreclosures was just beginning. Before attempting my first short sale here in Southern California, I discovered I needed to comply with Civil Code Section 1695 by using a very particular type of purchase and ...
Short Sale Goldmine - Step-By-Step Process
You have just found a short sale goldmine. In this article, I have described the step-by-step process that many professional real estate investors have paid at least $5,000 for. Use this information to make tens of thousands of dollars today. With the recent explosion of foreclosures, many banks ...